Its a conundrum.
But then who would want to read about some fat slob who does nothing all day but blog?
Well, what HAS happened? (Another problem, so much has happened that you forget most of it.)
I have Peas up and potato's, lettuce and spinach in the hot bed, carrots (sort of, I am the kiss of death to carrots it seems) and beetroot. Raspberry bushes look good, as do strawberries and blueberries. Garlic and onions all on track, Jerusalem artichokes need support soon.
Oh and I found some wild garlic by our burn so I'm away to look at that soon :)
The chickens are all fine and dandy.
After a long wait Victoria started laying, so we now get 3 eggs most days. She is sneaky though. I discovered she had been hoping out of the orchard to lay her egg in the grass under the pine trees, but then she couldn't;t get back in. This hen will not allow anyone near her in the orchard, but outside she throws herself at your feet for you to pick her up and put her back lol.
We have a new addition to the hens.
A carrion crow had decided that layers pellets are the way to go and has integrated himself into the flock. He is seconds away from getting a name ;)

Well that's about it. As soon as the rain lets up I shall take more pics. Heres one of the littlies baking ..awwwww.
Peace x.