Wednesday, 15 April 2009


So it happend at LAST!! Eggs in the nesting box!!

The first one was laid by Sally and the kids where gobsmacked at how warm it was.
So after Sally came out of the hen house yelling to the world about what she had done I nipped in and grabbed the egg just before Emily/Enemy sat her arse down.
Much clucking later we had another....

SO we have two eggs and I have promised the kids scrambled eggs for lunch...about 2 tea spoons each I think LOL.
But as OH pointed out, so far these eggs have cost £20 they'd better eat it all up!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Rhubarb muffins.

So, as promised, a recipe with rhubarb that isn't crumble ;)
You will need:-
(makes @ 12)

@5 stems of forced rhubarb, cut into small pieces.
1 cup self raising flour (white)
1/2 cup self raising flour (wholemeal)
1/2 cup of golden caster sugar.
1 egg.
1/2 cup of soya milk.
1/4 cup oil.

1)Mix the flours and sugar together in a large bowl.
2)Add the rhubarb then mix in the egg, milk and oil.
3)Place a tablespoon full into mini muffin cases.

4)Cook for @ 20 mins at 180-200oC.
5)Allow to cool slightly in the tray then turn out onto a rack.
6)EAT! :D

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Sick of the chickens yet?? I'm not :)

The chickens never fail to entertain I'm finding. Why would you have rabbits or guinea pigs or hamsters when you can have chickens instead. The children are still firmly in love with them and I must admit to finding myself wasting time just hanging out and watching their antics. Lloyd is well integrated now and after spending time with Victoria, who loves a quiet life and lots to eat, is now hanging out with the more feisty Emily, or "Enemy" as Alfie calls her, ironically fitting ;)
OH fixed up the orchard fencing so we can now let them range more, something they were very pleased with as it meant plenty of young grass and bugs to eat, although after the humans went in the house I saw them out of the window, panic and hurdle their way back into the small pen like a bunch of steeple chasing old dears...very funny XD
Lots of things growing well now. The hot bed is producing spinach, lettuce and spring onion, the onion sets are planted, as well as a couple of rows of carrots and beetroot. The forced rhubarb is very nice and the outdoor stuff also growing more each day.
Potatoes going in as soon as the rain stops but I'm not complaining, we planted four more apple trees on Monday and are getting even more soon, it makes sense to try and be self sufficient in the one fruit we CAN grow and everyone will eat!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

The important lessons of life.

One of the things I feel very strongly about is the education of the next generation.
Many people visualize this as pushy parents pouring over school league tables and running children to endless after school clubs to learn mandarin and Suzuki violin.
They hire tutors and buy CD's of subliminal learning for their kids to listen to whilst sleeping.
My failure to do all this makes me a bad parent ;)
This Easter I have given the boys their own "garden" to plant and tend.

The sad demise of a large chest of drawers (to damp and woodworm) left me with three very big drawers that just begged to be turned into raised beds...if only for one season.
Eldest son was given the job of digging muck from the old-er muck heap and once they where 3/4 full we tootled off to the garden centre.
This is usually a trip punctuated by whining, crying and pouting, but this time OH behaved himself (HAHAHAHahahahahahahahHAHAHAhahahahAHAHAHAhahahah! ah dear...)
The promise of choosing a plant of their own made the trip for once ALMOST enjoyable.
They each picked out a small heather, each a different colour so they could tell who's garden was who's.

They reverently dug their hole and carefully took the plants out of their pots then they sowed carrot, pea and garlic plus the bonus of a leftover strawberry plant each.

It will be interesting to see what comes of this, if they are keen to do the same next year, to stretch their wings a little and plant a little less haphazardly.

The raising of plants and animals can only teach the very important life lessons, patience, tolerance, kindness and the rewards that come with that, but also it teaches them how to handle the inevitable disappointments that come in life, the death of a pet, the failure of a plant.

We owe it to our children and our planet to push these lessons....maths can wait.