The chickens never fail to entertain I'm finding. Why would you have rabbits or guinea pigs or hamsters when you can have chickens instead. The children are still firmly in love with them and I must admit to finding myself wasting time just hanging out and watching their antics. Lloyd is well integrated now and after spending time with Victoria, who loves a quiet life and lots to eat, is now hanging out with the more feisty Emily, or "Enemy" as Alfie calls her, ironically fitting ;)
OH fixed up the orchard fencing so we can now let them range more, something they were very pleased with as it meant plenty of young grass and bugs to eat, although after the humans went in the house I saw them out of the window, panic and hurdle their way back into the small pen like a bunch of steeple chasing old dears...very funny XD
Lots of things growing well now. The hot bed is producing spinach, lettuce and spring onion, the onion sets are planted, as well as a couple of rows of carrots and beetroot. The forced rhubarb is very nice and the outdoor stuff also growing more each day.
Potatoes going in as soon as the rain stops but I'm not complaining, we planted four more apple trees on Monday and are getting even more soon, it makes sense to try and be self sufficient in the one fruit we CAN grow and everyone will eat!

I love to just sit and watch my chickens. They are far better than any show in the TV! They each have a very definite personality and there is an obvious hierarchy.
ReplyDeleteI haven't gotten much planted yet, strawberries are in, some lilies are in, and I sowed spinach in the garden, but the weather has not been conducive to gardening. Everything is MUD and we've been getting hard freezes every night. *sigh* I started my tomato, sweet pepper and eggplant inside and they are looking great!
Gotta say my greenhouse is looking the best its ever been and the hot bed outside is well worth expanding next year. This time of year is such a pain though..you're all ready to get going and half the time the weather lets you down, then you DO get stuff in and you worry it will come up before the frosts have gone !! GAAAAAA!